Arriving at Newcastle Airport the girls were so excited to be going on holiday. Poppet was excited about going on a plane again, and Dottie remembered her visit to Africa to see Jessie and Denise and they swapped stories whilst wating for their flight.

They spent their time waiting for their flight by watching the other planes take off and land and were so excited beyond belief.
When it was time to board the flight they jumped in with the passports and tickets to make sure they didnt get left behind.

They were overjoyed to get a seat by the window for take off........

After a long day they arrived at their hotel at 12.30am, although still very excited they were shattered and fell asleep very quickly in a huge king size bed.

Next day they were up bright and early and after just a few hours of walking ( or should I say being carried) around they just couldnt wait to get into Mcdonalds. They wanted to go into the one in Discoveryland in Videopolis.
They liked the idea of being able to watch the early Mickey Mouse cartoons while they had lunch.
The auditorium was quite full but the girls were soon up on the table so that they didnt miss a thing.

They had their lunch and had a quick read of the programme for the Buffalo Bills Wild West Show that they had tickets for that evening.
I think they really couldnt wait to see all those Cowboys and Indians to be truthful ........

Out came the park map next.......seems they wanted to plan where to go next, they were quite sure that they needed to cram in as much as possible as the time was just flying by. They decided it was time for the Castle.

As I knew it would, the sight of the castle just made them even more excited and as usual they were ready to pose for the camera so that they had a snap shot to remember this special moment.

Next they hit the shops.........

And they were over the moon that the mickey images on the bags were just the right size for them to pose next too , they were flirting with the French male shop assistants , little minxes !

They found some of the cutest postcards and sent some to their friends.

Evening meal was in a brilliant restaurant called "The Silver Spur" they serve amazing food which arrives on the plate like a work of art.
The girls just nearly died when they saw the Chocolate Cake which arrived for dessert.
Guess they dont have a problem with watching their diet so they just ate it all right up !!
The waiters were delighted with the girls who were flattered by their French sweet talking, and I think I can quite safely say the waiters hadnt had 2 customers quite like these before.

After leaving the Silver Spur we headed back to the main gates as it was time to leave the park, as we passed the castle the girls took the opportunity to pose in front of it again as it looked so dreamy against the night sky. It was all lit up with soft tones of pink and lilacs and the wintery evening cast a delicate mist around it.
The girls said they wished they could stay the night in the castle .....but it was time to go for the evening.

Next day we visited the Haunted Mansion, the girls couldnt stop giggling , but it was a different story once inside. They hid in our pockets, scared of the dark and spooky noises.

Thunder Mountain had them terrified.......

And the Molly Brown Steamboat River trip was fab......

But alas the holiday was over all too soon, hitching a ride in the zip pocket of the suitcase they waited for the bus arriving to get back to the Charles de Gaulle airport.

The girls were sad to leave the hotel , but were very tired after their trip and were looking forward to being back home.

The fact that they had been promised that they could have sweets for the return flight had nothing at all to do with it.

Back in England there was nothing to do but wait for the taxis to take them back home.

They had an amazing time and im sure they brought back a couple of addresses of some Frenchmen.....There have been some International phone numbers on the phone bill too since we got back........Wonder what they have been up too, I have a feeling we might not have heard the last about France !!
Thanks for stopping by Dotties blog.