Sunday, 9 November 2008

Hello and Welcome

My name is The ATC Queen Dottie, and I belong to the Artist Trading Club and its members.

I was given to The Artist Trading Club by Lousie from Dotties World.

At the moment I am staying with one of the club members, and this is my blog where you can follow my day to day adventures while im here.
I hope you have a sense of humour, and thank you for stopping by.


Jaqi said...

Hi Dottie,

I hope you enjoy all the adventures I just know you are about to have. Jaqi x

Denise said...

Can't wait to see what Dottie gets up to LOL!

Chriss Rollins said...

Hi Jaqi have sent you an urgent email
chriss x

Louly said...

Ooooh can't wait to see what you get up to Dottie! Be a good girl though and watch out for Firman Sam, he's trouble that one! LOL.

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Dottie, you are amazing - a world traveller and now you have your very own blog! I have followed your adventures on OPBs (Other People's Blogs) and now I am impressed with your resourcefulness and can't wait to see what new things you do next! I wish you great happiness and success in your blogging life :) Hugs XX