When I decided it was time to put up the Christmas decorations it wasnt hard to find some help.........Although maybe thats not the right word, it was supposed to be help but it soon turned into something very different.
I was lifting the tree out of its box and all Dottie and Poppet could do was giggle, I couldnt understand what was so funny.......
I assembled the stand and then added the other sections until it was complete, only one problem, the girls were missing !
I hadnt noticed that the giggling had stopped, I had been concentrating on the tree, where had they gone? I shouted for my daughter who came straight away but she hadnt seen the girls either. I called their names but got no reply.
Where on earth coud they have gone. My daughter checked all the boxes and i checked under the sofa etc.
Then my daughter grabbed my arm.......she beckoned to me to be quiet. As we stood in silence there was rustling in the tree. A clicking noise followed, then weird little noises.....it sounded like a squirrel, thats silly , Its an artificial tree !
My daughter and I crept up to the tree slowly , the clicking and sqeaking continued, we were nervous and hanging onto each other as we got closer to the tree. Our hearts were pounding , and then it happened ..........
THOSE TWO LITTLE MONKEYS WERE INSIDE THE TREE ! They shouted and jumped forward onto the tip of the branch and my daughter and I nearly jumped out of our skin.

Of course the girls thought it was so funny, they were rolling aroung laughing , whilst my daughter and I recovered from the shock !

Next came the garland for the mantlepiece, the girls loved this as its lights were already attached so as soon as it was in place i turned it on and it lit up.

They were so excited about the lights , before I knew it they were back in the tree as i put on its lights. They were squealing with delight as the lights lit up the whole tree.

From the tree Poppet got her eye on one of the decorations and quickly slid down the inside of the tree.

Poppet was so excited at the red boot trimmed with white fur, a whole conversation started about Santa Clause, Poppet decided she would try on the boot for size.
She jumped right in and started singing "Santa Clause is coming to town", we laughed and laughed.

Then all kinds of antics started , Dottie found 2 little drums and the singing just got louder and louder.......
As the girls went through all the songs I continued to dress the tree , with my new friend ' HEADACHE'............

In a couple of hours and the tree all done, and the drums hung high on the tree we were pleased with the finished result.

It was even better that night , when we switched off the main lights and sat in the cosy room watching TV with just the tree lights and the mantle lights casting a warm glow over the room.

Merry Christmas from Dottie and Poppet, they will be back very soon.
Thanks for stopping by.
Oohh these girls sure are leading you a Merry Dance! What fun they had! Your tree is beautiful and your mantle is lovely too! Sooo lekker cosy! (If you don't know what lekker is, ask Dottie!)
Ah, Thank you for your kind comments about my decorations and im afraid i dont know what a lekker is ? Jaqi x
Gorgeous tree and mantel Jaqi - they look beautiful (which must have been difficult considering you had two little monkeys hindering you.) xx Karen
Hey Jaqi your tree and mantle are gorgeous.
Those girls seem to have sooo much fun you have made them sooo welcome.
in the NEW YEAR Chris and I will have to come visit you girls for the day.
I bet Christmas eve will be fun trying to get them to go to sleep early. rofpmsl.
you are doing a great job with them thank you.
chriss x
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