Sorry for the delay in writing this post. We have had an extremly busy week.
Going back to last Saturday we had a crop day at our house.
Marina , Heather and Annette joined us to have a Christmas Crop Day.
All went well to start with and everyone was having a fantastic time.
While Annette was stamping, Marina and Heather were working with lots of glitter and embossing powders creating some fabulous tags, cards and christmas decorations.
When everyone left there was alot of glitter everywhere.
Poppet jumped inside the duster and dottie pushed it around to give her a ride.
They were having so much fun, but the glitter was going all over the carpet.
I decided to get out the hoover before it went right through the house.
Unfortunatly when i came back with the hoover i didnt notice that only poppet was still on the table. Dottie had slipped in all the glitter and floated down to the floor.
What happened next was scary !
I couldnt here poppet shouting above the noise of the hoover , and i thought she was waving at me , not trying to get my attention, so i waved back.
Dottie is as light as a feather, so it was inevitable that as the hoover got too near she got sucked straight in.....
As I turned off the hoover Poppet slid down from the table and ran over to the hoover.
Poppet jumped up on the hoover and i couldnt decide what she was trying to tell me, she was waving and pointing to the tank on the hoover.
Just then i noticed something moving inside, OH NO ! It was Dottie..........
I quickly opened up the hoover to get dottie out and poppet ran to get a bandage.
Dottie was flustered at first but laughing so hard, she said it was the best roller coaster she had been on, and although she was coughing with all the fluff, she wanted to do it again.
Poppet returned with the bandage and i told her that dottie seemed fine and didnt really need a bandage.......However.....
Poppet insisted that dottie was bandaged up incase there was a problem.
She said she had learned all about bandages , and was an expert .......
Well when i saw the finished result , I wished it had all happened a couple of weeks earlier as this was the best Mummy costume I had seen ths year !
Dottie kept insisting she was fine and wanted to do it all again but poppet was having none of it.
Poppet insisted that Dottie go straight to bed and get some rest and she would be the nurse and look after her. Dottie decided not to argue, to be honest i think she was having trouble to move with all that bandage.
Poppet had everything under control, and had dottie tucked in under the covers so well , dottie couldnt move.
Next time i will make sure they are high enough up from the carpet so we dont have any mishaps, although saying that dottie was so keen to have another go, that might be hard.
Thanks for reading this post.
oh my goodness! what a day!, I'm so glad all ended well
Jaqi, what a day! I do feel for you with the responsibility of two young ladies to look after now. I'm so glad it all turned out to be fine! Dottie is certainly an adventuress and Poppet is a perfect friend for someone like her!
I have mentioned Dottie on my blog so maybe there will be a couple of new visitors - I hope she will be up to the extra company!
oh no! poor dottie. glad she was alright
Jaqi, really, I know you like a clean home, but hoovering Dottie, now matter how much glitter and glue she has on her LOL All's well that ends well! I'm sure you had a few nervous moments there! This must have been an experience and a half for Poppet! Poor thing!
It's late and I just knew I should've waited 'till in the morning to come and read about Dottie. I have laughed soooo much I can't breathe now and I just know that if I ever get to sleep I am going to have the most PECULIAR dreams....roflmao
And... now that Dottie has a friend in Poppet it can only get wilder with their scrapes... hope you've hid their Christmas pressies if you've bought them... cos you just know they will go peeking...rofl OMG perish the thought!!
Chris xx
What a cute Dottie !!
Ha!......I really enjoyed reading this post, I had visions of you all looking like Dougal from 'Father Ted' covered in glitter.
What a great way to spend a day.
What am I doing here? I should be there with you. Crafts is my passion. :)
Sorry Jaqi I read this a while back and did think I had left you a comment.
Where u get your ideas I just dont know you have me laffffing soooo much...just what the doc ordered.
thank you.
chriss x
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